Hartmann family



In today’s hectic times, it’s important to find time to get away from it all and relax. And there’s nothing better than having your own pool, where you can not only freshen up, but also find a haven of calm and peace of mind.
Modern stairs with beach
The Hartmann family, who live in a rural part of Germany, are proud of their modern house with its stunning views of the surrounding countryside. The last thing missing from their garden to add a pleasant sense of peace, harmony and well-being, was a pool. The family opted to have their pool built by a NIVEKO profi partner, Pool + Home GmbH, who carried out the task with great professionalism.
The Hartmann family went for a NIVEKO Overflowpool Advance, and it proved to be a good choice. The size of the pool, 9.0 x 3.5 x 1.5m, makes it the perfect place to relax and have fun, but the built-in counter-current also means it can be used for fitness swimming. All the pool built-ins are made of stainless steel, which is offered by NIVEKO as part of its NIVEKO Plus premium range. The slat cover is elegantly hidden in the slatted cover pit, which is located outside the pool and so does not take up any of its space. The slat cover means that the pool is protected from dirt, maintains the water temperature, prevents evaporation and thus reduces running costs.

Since the pool was built, it has become the whole family’s favourite place to spend time.

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